Friday, May 28, 2010

Fiscal Responsibility

Cross posted from my campaign website at

What does it mean to be fiscally responsible? It’s a simple question with a simple answer – it means using our money wisely. To be fiscally responsible municipal officials, we have to make sure that our tax dollars are spent the best way possible to avoid waste and to provide the best services. This involves looking at the budget from both sides – smart spending and smart cutting. We need to spend our tax dollars in a way that ensures we only have to pay for a project one time. If we make sure the project is done right the first time then we won’t be spending money on it again – money that could be used elsewhere. That’s what often happens when you try to go “on the cheap.”

On the flip side, however, we must make sure we aren’t over burdening the taxpayers. If there are fees and taxes that can be reduced, without reducing essential services, then we should take a close look at doing so. We benefit in the long run any time we can put money back in the pockets of the taxpayers – because the taxpayers then use that money to purchase goods. If we’ve encouraged the right businesses to come in, this in turn brings more revenue into the city coffers from sales taxes. Of course we have to find a way to encourage citizens to spend that extra money in Rowlett – and that is happening by partnering with the Rowlett Chamber of Commerce and local businesses to provide incentives to consumers who shop in Rowlett.

Finally, one of the best things we can do in Rowlett is to take a really hard look at finding a way to reduce our water rates.  If there us any way to do this we will find it.

Friday, May 21, 2010

MOG (Man of God) / Freedom Life Church