Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A Letter to Our Leaders - 2008 Edition

Dear Mr. President, Mr. Vice President, Senator or Congressman,

You may find this letter eerily similar to one I sent back in late 2006 after the GOP was so seriously stomped in those elections. I’ve only made a few changes – to make it apply to our current situation – but for the most part it remains as it was originally. It is apparent to me that know one paid much attention to it then – hopefully that will change this time around.

I write this letter after much has already been said, and will continue to be said, about why we, the Republican Party, were so overwhelmingly annihilated in the recent election. Many pundits, commentators, and even politicians have offered their opinion on what happened so I thought it was my responsibility, even my duty, to let you know what we think – we, the American people who are conservative in our values. Admittedly, much of what I write is the same as what has already been written or said – that is because I agree with much of what has been said. My hope in writing is that what has been said is more than just words being spoken but words that will be taken to heart. I intend to distribute this letter as widely as I can, it likely will not be published or printed by anyone but hopefully it will reach many – and maybe, just maybe it will do some good. Here now, are my thoughts on why we, the Republican Party, lost and what we must do to reclaim our rightful place.

The Republican Party needs a change of direction and a refocusing on its core values. Find new leadership for the Republican Party. We demand a new RNC Chair and new Minority Leadership in the House and Senate – leadership that is truly reflective of our conservative. We demand leadership that is decidedly conservative. The current leadership is comprised of good people but we have endured two consecutive elections now where Republicans have taken major defeats in the House. Ineffective leaders deserve to be removed. We must look toward future victories. Remind the party leadership that "we departed rather tragically from our conservative principles" and that departure will not soon be forgotten. It’s painfully obvious to everyone that when you try to be “moderate” you fail. When you move away from core conservative values you fail.

Even after the drubbing you took in 2006 too many Republican leaders came to Washington, pledging to uphold traditional values, and then forgot those values, morals and standards. New leaders with fresh ideas will bring us back to the party of Ronald Reagan. Those who were reelected need to go back to Washington to change it, not to become it. Republicans must go back to the principles that made America proud to vote for them, and if they do they can win back those who voted against them this year.

We can only move forward with a renewed commitment to our core values and principles. Republicans did not just lose the majority - you lost your way - you walked away from the limited government principles that highlighted previous Republican Congresses. You walked away from those principles in letting those among you violate the rules of ethics, common sense morals and God given laws. You need to rewrite the ethics rules and then stick to them. Deal with those violating those rules openly, quickly and cleanly. In other words, clean house – deal with those who break the very rules and principles we stand for. As Ronald Reagan said, “if there are those that cannot subscribe to these principles, then let them go their way."

We must remain dedicated to a balanced federal budget, entitlement reform and limited federal government. Republicans have helped to nearly double the federal government's role in education, have created record deficits, record national debt and record pork barrel spending and have spent more money on federal solutions to state and local problems than any Democrat. Many who claimed to be Washington “outsiders” have become “insiders”. We must work to overhaul the tax code. The income tax needs to be repealed and replaced with a tax that is fair and equitable to everyone, regardless of their income. I personally prefer the Fair tax proposal and believe it should be vigorously pursued. ( Let us hardworking Americans determine how to spend our money. We must fix Social Security. The way things are right now there will likely not be funding to support me, my children and definitely not my grandchildren. Privatizing Social Security may be the solution; raising social security tax is not. Balance the federal budget but not by increasing spending and raising taxes. Cut spending and reduce government. These are core Republican principles, and we must return to them.

Real immigration reform must take place and our borders have to be made secure. We must fix the problem of illegal immigration without any kind of amnesty. Those who are here illegally are criminals and must not be rewarded. But we must not alienate those Hispanics who are true American citizens – we have to find a way to reach them – the vast majority of whom agree with the need for secure borders and do not favor any kind of amnesty.

We must do everything within our power to confirm conservative judges – judges who will strictly interpret the Constitution and laws and not legislate from the bench. This will be significantly harder since Republicans Senators lost their core principles and did not step up when they had the opportunity but we must not back down.

We must do everything in our power to protect the sanctity of innocent life. Protect the unborn at all stages – from conception to delivery. We must remain committed to the sanctity of marriage as an institution between a man and a woman. We must remain strong in our belief in Second Amendment rights, if those rights are stripped from us we lose as a people and as a nation.

The Democrats have no answer for America. They have no plan for our future. American will see that the Democrats are not the party of the future and are nothing more than radical liberals. This election was a correction. America did not abandon her conservative principles, we simply rid ourselves of those who claimed to be part of us but who had deserted us. We can regroup and we can win back the seats we lost and we can continue on to claim the presidency in 2012 if we return to our core values and principles, fiscal discipline, reform, and family values.

It's time that we give a new generation of conservatives a chance to carry the ball. We need a new game plan and a return to the principles of the "Reagan Revolution." In doing so, we can begin to rebuild the Republican majority.

Leadership needs to be changed from the top down. I will be watching your stand on this matter very closely.